Monday, September 23, 2013

Search Engine Future: 9 Best Social Media Tools

A few days ago I received an email from Linda, from UK with question: ” Any social media tools, Search Engine Future ( SEF ) used ? “. An interesting question, and today me will share with Linda and with everyone 9 best social media tools SEF are using.

How To Build Relationships on Google+?

Just like TwitterFacebookLinkedin or any social network, you also need to build relationships in the community. Google+ is a social network like any other social network, it  does not have any effect on rankings but it also should not be forgotten, Google+ is a social network potential to attract millions of customers ! as in the article link building and marketing for business from Tumblr me have mentioned.
Today I will share build relationships on Google+ through a few steps hope you will work well with Google+.

Link Building and Marketing for Business from Tumblr

I think that people are seeking and implementing link building, but people need to focus on where?  Many people will think use of Google+, i recommend removing thoughts using Google+ to improve ranking because it does not have any effect on rankings. But it also should not be forgotten, Google+ is a social network potential to attract millions of customers !

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Topsy Become Powerful Search Engine For Twitter

Topsy is a realtime search engine powered by the Social Web and now officially become the search engine on Twitter, all tweets since 2006. If you visit the home page and try search linkstweetsphotosvideos,influencers or everything, i tried it and I really appreciate Topsy.

Bing Search Box Becomes Handy With Deep Links

Bing search box seems to become more convenient with deep links, at this point you can clearly see that when access to Bing search

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Google’s Matt Cutts: Google take action on automatically generated pages that provide no added value

Video recently Published on Sep 4, 2013 of Google Webmaster Help on Youtube, Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, he said: Google take action on automatically generated pages that provide no added value.
And an example is given specific:
“What does Google do against sites that have a script that automatically picks up the search query and makes a page about it? Ex: you Google [risks of drinking caffeine], end up at a page: “we have no articles for DRINKING CAFFEINE” with lots of ads ”

Disavow Backlink Tool: It Can Potentially Harm Your Site’s Performance

If you are an SEO or webmaster sure that you regularly use Google’s disavow tool, but it can harm the performance of your website in Google.
Another topic of Google Webmaster Help they were talking about this issue, here is how Eric Kuan (from the search quality team of Google) said: